Sustainable Vending Orlando | Oviedo Earth-Friendly Eco-Coffee | Sanford Green Office Products

How to Make Your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Break Room More Earth-Friendly

It’s important to think about ways we can be kinder to the Earth at work. So, it’s time to chat about turning your Orlando break room into an earth-friendly oasis. Not sure where to start? Let us help you! We’ve got some simple steps that not only help our planet but also make your break time even better. Here’s how to get started.

Earth-Friendly Coffee Choices

Let’s start with the basics – coffee. Our Oviedo office coffee service has your back with some eco-friendly options. For example, we can get coffees certified by the Rainforest Alliance and FairTrade. Rainforest Alliance means the coffee is grown in a way that’s friendly to nature. FairTrade ensures that coffee farmers are treated fairly. Whether you’re into traditional coffee pots or single-cup pods, we’ve got sustainable choices for your caffeine fix.

Snack Smart in Your Micro-Market

Snacks make the break room more fun, right? Why not pick ones that are good for you and the Earth? Look for FairTrade chocolate in your Sanford micro-market. That way, you’re supporting fair pay and responsible farming.

No micro-market? You can also request eco-snacks like plant-based jerky for your Orlando vending machine. It’s better for the environment and keeps you healthy too!

Orlando Micro-Markets | Oviedo Office Coffee | Sanford Earth-Friendly Water Filtration Service

Sort Your Trash and Recycling

Let’s get serious about recycling. Make it easy for everyone by having separate bins for trash and recycling. Label them so everyone knows what goes where. And here’s an idea – keep everyone in the loop about how much recycling is happening. Share the numbers in company updates to get everyone involved and excited to contribute. Small steps like these make a big difference!

Go for Oviedo Water Filtration

Stay hydrated in an eco-friendly way by going for a water filtration service. Provide reusable water bottles and cups to your team so you can reduce the company’s plastic waste. It’s a group effort! Filtered water also tastes great because chemicals and bacteria are taken out. Plus, it’s handy for both hot and cold drinks. Not only does clean and healthy water help make your break room greener, but it also helps keep employees hydrated. And hydration is key for feeling good and being productive at work.

Don’t Wait to Upgrade to an Earth-Friendly Break Room

With Gator Refresh, making your Sanford break room earth-friendly is easy and fun. With green choices in your break room — from coffee and snacks to recycling and water — you’re not only doing good for the planet but also your employees. So, let’s make a move towards a greener and more eco-friendly break room. Your team and our planet will thank you!

Ready to learn more? Contact Gator Refresh today at 407-538-3586 to get started!

Orlando Vending Machines | Oviedo Benefits of Breaks | Sanford Productivity

Taking Breaks Actually Boosts Orlando, Oviedo & Sanford Employee Performance

Research supports the value of coffee and lunch breaks at the office. Taking breaks is good for performance and avoiding conditions such as burnout. How so? Consider that focus is finite. It’s the power in a battery that lets a member of your staff work on a task. What happens when the power is used up, but there’s still work to be done? Does the staff member push on, forcing more productivity even if it’s subpar? Or can they get a recharge? One of the best ways for staff to recharge is by taking breaks. The stop in work for a short period of time lets the mind relax or reset.

To fully benefit from the power of breaks, offering a space isn’t enough. Instead, the break room should be part of your workplace culture and inviting. That’s where Gator Refresh can help. We specialize in optimizing break rooms. That way, you get the most out of your team. Here are some ways you can boost productivity with breaks.

Breaks Must Come From the Top

Office supervisors and managers need to have a positive attitude about breaks. From articles or podcasts, they need to see the value of stepping away from the computer or job, briefly.

Besides knowing the value of breaks, bosses need to take breaks themselves. This sets the tone for the staff, showing that it’s okay, even good to take that brief time off.

Micro-Market Orlando | Oviedo Office Coffee Breaks | Sanford Coffee by the Cup

Schedule Breaks into the Day

If your workplace culture has avoided breaks, try adding them in with a set schedule. This lets employees plan for the breaks. It can also avoid crowding at the Orlando vending machine by staggering department break times.

Create a Welcoming Break Space

Design a break room that’s comfortable and offers refreshments. Vending machines are perfect for offering cold drinks on demand and snacks that help fuel the body. Gator Refresh can offer healthy choices in the vending machine too.

Want a more upscale refreshment solution? Try our Oviedo micro-markets. The open design with shelves and coolers allows more options. There are hundreds of bagged snacks, treats, fresh food, dairy choices, and cold drink options. The open design makes it feel more like a mini store inside your Sanford break room.

Create a Coffee Station

A hot cup of coffee is a break standard. Traditional Orlando office coffee brewers make it easy to brew gourmet coffee for a big office. If you want more variety, try our Oviedo single-cup coffee service. The different pods offer each team member a chance to brew his or her favorite coffee or hot drink. Then the coffee, and even hot tea, are always fresh.

Effective Breaks Need Support and Leading Break Room Services

Taking a coffee break or lunch break is good for performance. It lets your mind recharge, even if it’s short. The best way to promote breaks is to have management set an example and create a great break space. This includes adding well-stocked snacks, drinks, and food from a break room expert.

Gator Refresh is a one-stop-shop for break room services. Our leading vending, micro-market, and office coffee service can transform your break room. That way, it draws employees. Let us make your breaks more effective and boost the bottom line. Call Gator Refresh at 407-538-3586.

Orlando Coffee Trivia | Oviedo Coffee Brewers | Sanford Hot Beverages

Coffee Trivia for Your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Break Room

International Coffee Day was on October 1st. Continue to celebrate it with your employees by exploring the wonderful world of coffee. We’re here to help with some interesting facts about your favorite morning beverage. Check out our coffee trivia and share it with colleagues in your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford break room.

Can You Answer These Coffee Trivia Questions?

What are the Four Types of Coffee Beans?

There are four main types of coffee beans: Robusta, Arabica, Excelsa, and Liberica. But the ones we brew in pots and single-cup coffee makers are mostly Robusta and Arabica. Arabica beans make a smoother and sweeter coffee with hints of chocolate, caramel, and nuts. On the other hand, Robusta beans give us bold and intense coffee with more caffeine, and it tastes darker and slightly bitter.

Is Coffee Healthy for You?

While coffee beans aren’t usually seen as a healthy snack, coffee itself can have some health perks when enjoyed in moderation. Studies show that having about 2 cups a day might lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. Coffee drinkers, especially women, also seem to have a lower chance of dying from certain diseases. These include coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. In other words, drink up!

Coffee Trivia Stumper: Are Coffee Beans a Fruit or a Legume?

Trick question! Coffee beans aren’t fruits or legumes, as some might think. They are seeds found inside cherries that grow on coffee plants. These cherries need careful processing to extract the seeds, which then get roasted to become the coffee beans we know. Coffee plants thrive in regions known as the “bean belt,” located along the equator.

Orlando Vending Machine | Oviedo Coffee Trivia | Sanford Break Room Services

What Type of Coffee Makes the Best Cold Brew?

Cold brew coffee is becoming more popular, but what makes the best cold brew? Various companies use different coffee bean blends. But, if you grabbed one from your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford micro-market or cold drink vending machine, it’s likely a mix of Arabica and Robusta. Instead of the type of bean, cold brew makers cite growing region, roasting, the grind, and soaking water temperature as vital when making great-tasting cold brew.

What’s the Most Expensive Coffee in the World?

Kopi Luwak holds the title of the world’s most expensive coffee. It’s made from coffee berry seeds that have been eaten, digested, and then excreted by a small cat-sized mammal called a Palm Civet. The production process is complex and time-consuming, contributing to its astonishing price tag of around $600 per pound. While it might not be your everyday Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford office coffee, trying this rare brew can be an unforgettable experience.

Share Your Coffee Trivia With Others

Impress your coworkers during your next break by sharing these fascinating coffee facts. From the different types of beans to the surprising health benefits and the world of cold brews, coffee never ceases to amaze with its richness and complexity. Take a moment to appreciate and savor your next sip of the good stuff.

Looking for Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford vending services like office coffee? Gator Refresh can help. We offer all the latest brands and flavors. We even provide brewers and keep them working with regular maintenance. Contact us at 407-538-3586 to learn more.

Orlando Office Sustainability | Coffee Service | Break Room Services

Sustainability Can Save Your Orlando Company Money

Sustainability is more of a concern than ever. A recent Forbes article said more than half of global manufacturers plan to track their carbon footprint by 2026. Why? They are doing so as a key metric for sustainability.

But what about saving money? Can sustainable practices help your bottom line? The short answer is yes. Future regulations and green incentives will make it more cost-effective to have an earth-friendly office. So, why not start now?

With Gator Refresh, you will get sustainable solutions that save your company money, month after month. This includes better staff recruitment. And less landfill waste. All in all, there are many ways our break room services can help your business be more eco-friendly.

Why Sustainability Matters

Large companies are focusing more and more on being sustainable. Take the most recent G&A Institute report as an example. It says 92% of the S&P 500 Index published sustainability reports in 2020, up from 86%. With that sort of growth, it’s only a matter of time before it affects all businesses. Get ahead of the game and look good in the process.

It’s not just companies who want sustainability. The talent you’re hiring cares about it too. So, dropping your carbon footprint is a great recruiting tool. Plus, it shows eco-conscious staff that you support their efforts. This helps with employee retention.

How can you be more sustainable right now? And save money in the process? Don’t worry. Let Gator Refresh take care of it for you!

Orlando Micro-Market | Employee Recruiting | Technology & Sustainability

How Gator Saves You Money

Our Orlando vending machines use energy-saving LED lights, instead of old bulbs. Lower energy use means you save money each month on the utility bill.

Another sustainability-enhancing service to try is water filtration. This adds a filtered water tap to your Orlando break room. Then your team can fill their water bottles and glasses. They stay hydrated, plus it cuts down on the single-use plastic in your break room.

Check out the ION Bottleless Water Cooler we offer! It yields up to 80 glasses in 40 minutes. Plus, it has 10 times the cooling capacity of a standard cooler. That’s ideal for Florida weather.

Our Tech and Service Gets You Even More

We track every item that sells in your Orlando break room. How is that eco-friendly? Because we use that data to tailor products to the tastes of your staff. If certain snacks aren’t selling in your micro-market, for example, we remove them. And try others. Stocking only the items your team wants leads to less food being thrown out because it expired. If you’re subsidizing the food in your break room, this can be a big money saver.

We also use remote inventory monitoring. This way, we know what we need to bring before we leave our warehouse. There’s never a wasted trip! This lowers our carbon footprint. Plus, it stops disruption at your workplace. That means you can keep staff focused and productivity high.

What if there’s a problem? Then Gator Refresh will be out to fix it in 2 hours or less! No more dealing with long-term leaks, costly repairs out of pocket, or pent-up frustration. Gator Refresh is on top of any issues immediately.

Partner with a Sustainability-Focused Provider

Gator Refresh is ready to work with you on green refreshment solutions. We handle the service, while you save money. It’s a win-win. Contact Gator Refresh today to find out more about any of our Orlando break room services. Call us at 407-538-3586.

Downtown Orlando Micro-Market | Healthy Snacks | Fresh Food

Why a Micro-Market is Right for Your Downtown Orlando Break Room

Managing your Orlando break room can be hard work. You’re ordering food, snacks and beverages while catering to your employees’ wants and needs. It can be a tough task.  Let Gator Refresh share the load. Our micro-market can make your work life refreshment solutions easier. We can upgrade your break room to a cutting-edge micro-market with great service. With Gator Refresh’s service, you’ll customize your downtown Orlando office with coffee service, healthy food and beverage solutions. One of the easiest ways to make a big impact is to upgrade your break room services to a micro-market layout. You’ll get a tailored product selection, the latest in break room technology and a custom layout for your Orlando break room.

What is a Micro-Market?

A micro-market is an open-market layout offering lots of food and beverage choices, including your staff favorites. Self-checkout kiosks make grab-and-go options a cinch. Plus, micro-markets never close. They’re open 24/7, so early morning and late night refreshment runs are fueled by Gator Refresh vending options or coffee service.

Benefits of a Downtown Orlando Micro-Market Break Room

A welcoming, easy to use break room helps improve your company culture. Sharing meals brings people together. In fact, a recent study by Mondelēz International found that 71% of consumers snack at least twice a day. In addition, over half are more likely to snack than take three standard mealtimes in a day. These findings were in spite of rising consumer costs.

Invest in Your Company Culture

A micro-market is the hallmark of a modern downtown Orlando break room. The water cooler is a tried-and-true gathering spot for a reason. It can expand on the informal water cooler experience by bringing employees from various departments together. This customized micro-market break room for your Orlando business easily improves company culture. It’s a thoughtful and unique value to the team.

A Micro-Market Brings Value to Your Downtown Orlando Business

While the break room is the water cooler gathering place, a micro-market ups your game. Modernized break room services offer the best of all worlds: a gathering place for staff to informally chat and discover nutritious options. Help them with healthy food in the office. They will appreciate it!

Downtown Orlando Break Rooms | Coffee Service | Office Beverages in Micro-Market

Encouraging employees to drink more water is a great start. We provide sparkling, fresh, high-quality water solutions for large and compact spaces. It’s an easy way to improve the taste of your coffee too! We have bean to cup, single cup and traditional office coffee services, which can easily be added to your micro-market. Or it can be a standalone service. We want to customize your experience and bring value to your business!

Encourage Friendships in the Office

It’s good for business! A study by Gallup found employees who have a best friend at work are twice as likely to be more engaged with the company, and its larger mission. What better way to provide a welcoming, downtown Orlando break room experience than with a fun place to gather? We will customize the look, feel and design of your Orlando micro-market to work within your space. No two micro-markets are the same. We will work with you to craft the ideal service for your business!

Engage the Modern Employee with Technology

With our Gater Refresh tool kit, your downtown Orlando micro-market is always open. There are high end displays, self-checkout kiosks and many ways to pay, such as a credit card, mobile wallet or app. Built-in security provides for secure payments. And, we provide eco-friendly equipment, which saves you money and supports the planet. You can feel good about hiring Gator Refresh! Remote inventory monitoring alongside in-person visits ensures your break room stays full. We also have Supply Wizards, which makes restocking a breeze. You can order items yourself! Our tech improves our service and your experience.

Downtown Orlando Micro-Markets are Flexible and Responsive

When you partner with Gator Refresh for your downtown Orlando break room solutions, we’re in this together. We won’t trap you into a contract with a $10k fee to leave. Our goal is to offer refreshment solutions in a friendly, flexible way. Plus, you don’t have to worry about bad service with us. If you have a problem, we’ll come in less than 2 hours to address any service issue! Your business is our business.

Our goal is to provide best-in-class service for all our clients. (You can read more about us!) Hire us and forget the rest for your Orlando micro-market. Already a customer of ours? Gator Refresh clients can easily upgrade to a micro-market if you’re already using our office coffee service or water filtration. With Gator Refresh, you can keep your downtown Orlando employees happy and well fed.

Hire us like many other downtown Orlando businesses! You’ll be glad you did. Call us at 407-538-3586 or email us at for more information.

Orlando Bean-to-cup | Office Coffee | Refreshment

3 Reasons to Choose a Bean-to-cup Coffee Service for Your Orlando Business

If you’re looking to enhance your office’s coffee experience, consider trying a bean-to-cup coffee service. This type of coffee service uses whole beans to make the freshest coffee possible. A bean-to-cup coffee service can be the perfect solution for your Orlando break room. Why? Read on to find out what bean-to-cup service is and how it can benefit your office.

What is a Bean-to-cup Coffee Machine?

A bean-to-cup coffee machine is stocked with whole beans and other supplies to brew up a fresh cup of coffee for each person. At Gator Refresh, our favorite bean-to-cup machine is the Azkoyen Vitro X5 brewer. It’s a powerhouse of a coffee machine. With this coffee equipment, you can make a variety of espresso drinks. Featuring two hoppers, your team can even choose their favorite roast of coffee. Now that’s a personalized cup of coffee!

The Azkoyen is contemporary and modern. The minimalist design also makes it easy to choose what you want. You’ll get your coffee after pressing a few buttons. The machine will grind the beans to make a fresh cup of joe every time. Your Orlando employees can also order through an app on their phones. A touchless ordering experience helps reduce the spread of germs so everyone can stay healthy.

3 Reasons to Choose a Bean-to-Cup Coffee Machine

Are you wondering what a bean-to-cup machine could do for your Orlando office? Here are 3 reasons to add this coffee service to your office pantry or break room:

Orlando Break Room | Bean-to-cup Coffee Beverages | Refreshment solutions

1. Lots of Variety for Coffee Connoisseurs

The Azkoyen makes cappuccinos, mochas, lattes, espressos, and more! Plus, the machine can also be stocked with two different roasts or bean types. Cater to staff who prefer decaf, or offer a lighter and darker roast. Each person can build their own favorite coffee using the bean-to-cup machine.

2. Fresher Coffee

Coffee stays freshest in whole bean form. The Azkoyen machine grinds beans fresh for each cup of coffee. You can’t get fresher than that!

3. Less Waste

With traditional coffee pots, it’s normal for some coffee to go to waste. Coffee goes stale, so it has to be thrown out. Not true with a bean-to-cup machine! Because each cup is made fresh, there is zero wasted coffee.

Ultimately, a bean-to-cup machine brings fresh, quality coffee to your staff. Each person can make their favorite specialty coffee without leaving the office.

Why Add a Coffee Service in Your Orlando Office?

Our Orlando office coffee service will fit in perfectly alongside your snack vending machines. With a coffee service, you eliminate the hassle of visiting the local coffee shop. You can recreate the cafe experience with supplies. We’ll bring stirrers, sugar, cream, and more with your coffee service. Plus, the Azkoyen makes a wide range of specialty coffees. By staying in the building, employees can save time and enjoy a hotter coffee.

A coffee station also helps coworkers socialize. When coworkers get along well, they are more likely to collaborate. Plus, coffee supports brain and heart health. Sometimes, all you need is a cup of coffee to increase your focus. Not only that but coffee can motivate staff during meetings and work activities. Everyone wins with an office coffee service!

Are you ready to add a bean-to-cup coffee service to your office? Gator Refresh is here to help create a wonderful coffee experience in your office. Call us to discuss your needs today at 407-538-3586.

Orlando Micro-Market | Company Culture | Break Room Services

Boost Employee Satisfaction with an Orlando Micro-Market Solution

Are you looking for an original way to help your staff feel valued? Your employees work hard. So, you want to show you appreciate them! One way to show your staff you care is with a micro-market. This simple addition can boost morale and employee satisfaction in a big way.

So, what is a micro-market and why should you add one to your office? Keep reading to learn all about them.

What is a Micro-Market?

A micro-market is like having a convenience store in your building. Imagine an open layout featuring attractive glass-front coolers and shelves. It sounds nice, right? Set up like an onsite cafe, many companies put their micro-market in the break room or lunch room. Orlando micro-markets offer many products. You can find snacks, refreshing beverages, and even lunch items.

Looking for a winning combo? Pair your micro-market with an Orlando office coffee service. Your team will love having a variety of refreshments and premium coffee in the break room!

Features that Make Micro-Markets Exceptional

What makes micro-markets special?

So much! They are one of the best changes you can make to your Orlando office. One reason is that micro-markets are self-service. Patrons check out using state-of-the-art kiosks. Pay using cash, credit card, or your mobile wallet.

Plus, Gator Refresh’s micro-markets are monitored remotely. That means we know when to restock meals, snacks, and beverages without you having to lift a finger. Now that’s convenient! Another tech-savvy feature is security cameras. This makes shopping a secure experience.

Finally, your micro-market can be personalized with your company branding. It’s like having a company store for your staff to enjoy.

Benefits of a Micro-Market for Employees

Custom Orlando Micro-Markets | Fresh Food | Snacks

Micro-markets bring many benefits to your Orlando team. One of those perks is that the store is always open. Early meeting? Your staff can grab some coffee or food to wake up.

Another benefit is simply convenience. Your team is busy! They don’t always have time to drive somewhere to buy lunch or a snack. The micro-market makes refreshments easy to grab and go. Plus, having a store in the building can save employees money. With the gas prices as high as they are, the less driving, the better!

In addition, Gator Refresh micro-markets offer open-front glass coolers. This makes it easy for employees to peruse products before they buy. Happy shopping!

Benefits of a Micro-Market for Businesses

Did you know that adding a micro-market to your break room can benefit your Orlando company? That’s right! First off, the space can bring your team together. It’s the perfect place for staff to enjoy lunch and unwind. Indeed, this can promote bonding and team-building.

Plus, a micro-market can boost productivity. Grabbing refreshments within the building can save a lot of time. That way, your staff can focus on truly relaxing instead of stressing about rushing back to work on time. Score!

Finally, a micro-market can make you competitive. It will really set your company apart from other employers in the Orlando area. Attract new talent and keep morale up with a micro-market!

Are you ready to build your custom micro-market? Visit Gator Refresh or call us today at 407-538-3586. We can’t wait to work with you!