Orlando Employee Benefit | Maitland Corporate Culture | UCF Kiosk

5 Ways to Make Your Orlando, Maitland, and UCF Break Room a Valuable Employee Benefit

Want to make your workplace even better? Try updating your Orlando break room so it’s more than just a place to eat lunch, but a perk for everyone! That way it can even help increase morale and boost retention. Here’s how to upgrade your break room for an employee benefit your team will love.

Give It a Makeover

Does your break room need a refresh? Give it a makeover! A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference, and it’s an easy fix that can be scheduled for over the weekend. Also, think about adding some plants to the break space. This not only makes the room look better but also helps clean the air, making it healthier to breathe. Overall, plants bring a bit of nature inside, making it a happier and more vibrant workspace. A few simple touches will go far!

Break Room Benefit: Micro-Markets

Say goodbye to vending machines and hello to a Maitland micro-market! It’s like having a small store right in your break room. You can find all sorts of snacks, drinks, and even fresh food. This makes it easy for everyone to find something they like, and it’s healthier too! This is one employee benefit that everyone at the office will thank you for.

Use It for Group Activities

Make your break room a welcoming place for gathering and getting to know each other. You could have meditation sessions during lunch or talks about money management. It’s a great way for everyone to learn something new and bond with their coworkers. This can benefit your team by helping them feel supported both in and outside of work. The result? Happy and healthy employees!

Orlando Beverage Vending Machine | Maitland Office Perks | UCF Fresh Food Benefit

Celebrate Wins at Work

Let your team know when they’re doing a great job! You can put up messages in the break room for work anniversaries or when a team hits their goals. You could even give them micro-market credits or free vend vouchers to buy snacks as a reward. Who doesn’t love free food? Showing appreciation for your team is a small touch that can make a big impact.

Coffee Benefit: A Corporate Cafe

Upgrade your office coffee game! Instead of just one type of coffee, offer a variety of options. You might consider single-cup coffee machines that brew coffee by the cup so everyone can get the blend or brand they want. Having different coffee choices can make mornings (and afternoons) better. And great UCF coffee service is a benefit that everyone can get behind.

Use a Service Provider Who Cares

One of the most overlooked ways to better use your break room is to switch to a high-quality break room service provider. By teaming up with a company like Gator Refresh, you can make sure your break room stays modern and fresh. We’ll keep the Orlando vending machines full and take care of all of your break room needs. That means less stress for you and more benefits for employees!

So, why wait? Give your Orlando, Maitland, and UCF break room a boost today and see the benefits for yourself! Contact us at 407-538-3586 to learn more. We can’t wait to work with you!

Sustainable Vending Orlando | Oviedo Earth-Friendly Eco-Coffee | Sanford Green Office Products

How to Make Your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Break Room More Earth-Friendly

It’s important to think about ways we can be kinder to the Earth at work. So, it’s time to chat about turning your Orlando break room into an earth-friendly oasis. Not sure where to start? Let us help you! We’ve got some simple steps that not only help our planet but also make your break time even better. Here’s how to get started.

Earth-Friendly Coffee Choices

Let’s start with the basics – coffee. Our Oviedo office coffee service has your back with some eco-friendly options. For example, we can get coffees certified by the Rainforest Alliance and FairTrade. Rainforest Alliance means the coffee is grown in a way that’s friendly to nature. FairTrade ensures that coffee farmers are treated fairly. Whether you’re into traditional coffee pots or single-cup pods, we’ve got sustainable choices for your caffeine fix.

Snack Smart in Your Micro-Market

Snacks make the break room more fun, right? Why not pick ones that are good for you and the Earth? Look for FairTrade chocolate in your Sanford micro-market. That way, you’re supporting fair pay and responsible farming.

No micro-market? You can also request eco-snacks like plant-based jerky for your Orlando vending machine. It’s better for the environment and keeps you healthy too!

Orlando Micro-Markets | Oviedo Office Coffee | Sanford Earth-Friendly Water Filtration Service

Sort Your Trash and Recycling

Let’s get serious about recycling. Make it easy for everyone by having separate bins for trash and recycling. Label them so everyone knows what goes where. And here’s an idea – keep everyone in the loop about how much recycling is happening. Share the numbers in company updates to get everyone involved and excited to contribute. Small steps like these make a big difference!

Go for Oviedo Water Filtration

Stay hydrated in an eco-friendly way by going for a water filtration service. Provide reusable water bottles and cups to your team so you can reduce the company’s plastic waste. It’s a group effort! Filtered water also tastes great because chemicals and bacteria are taken out. Plus, it’s handy for both hot and cold drinks. Not only does clean and healthy water help make your break room greener, but it also helps keep employees hydrated. And hydration is key for feeling good and being productive at work.

Don’t Wait to Upgrade to an Earth-Friendly Break Room

With Gator Refresh, making your Sanford break room earth-friendly is easy and fun. With green choices in your break room — from coffee and snacks to recycling and water — you’re not only doing good for the planet but also your employees. So, let’s make a move towards a greener and more eco-friendly break room. Your team and our planet will thank you!

Ready to learn more? Contact Gator Refresh today at 407-538-3586 to get started!

Orlando Vending Machines | Oviedo Benefits of Breaks | Sanford Productivity

Taking Breaks Actually Boosts Orlando, Oviedo & Sanford Employee Performance

Research supports the value of coffee and lunch breaks at the office. Taking breaks is good for performance and avoiding conditions such as burnout. How so? Consider that focus is finite. It’s the power in a battery that lets a member of your staff work on a task. What happens when the power is used up, but there’s still work to be done? Does the staff member push on, forcing more productivity even if it’s subpar? Or can they get a recharge? One of the best ways for staff to recharge is by taking breaks. The stop in work for a short period of time lets the mind relax or reset.

To fully benefit from the power of breaks, offering a space isn’t enough. Instead, the break room should be part of your workplace culture and inviting. That’s where Gator Refresh can help. We specialize in optimizing break rooms. That way, you get the most out of your team. Here are some ways you can boost productivity with breaks.

Breaks Must Come From the Top

Office supervisors and managers need to have a positive attitude about breaks. From articles or podcasts, they need to see the value of stepping away from the computer or job, briefly.

Besides knowing the value of breaks, bosses need to take breaks themselves. This sets the tone for the staff, showing that it’s okay, even good to take that brief time off.

Micro-Market Orlando | Oviedo Office Coffee Breaks | Sanford Coffee by the Cup

Schedule Breaks into the Day

If your workplace culture has avoided breaks, try adding them in with a set schedule. This lets employees plan for the breaks. It can also avoid crowding at the Orlando vending machine by staggering department break times.

Create a Welcoming Break Space

Design a break room that’s comfortable and offers refreshments. Vending machines are perfect for offering cold drinks on demand and snacks that help fuel the body. Gator Refresh can offer healthy choices in the vending machine too.

Want a more upscale refreshment solution? Try our Oviedo micro-markets. The open design with shelves and coolers allows more options. There are hundreds of bagged snacks, treats, fresh food, dairy choices, and cold drink options. The open design makes it feel more like a mini store inside your Sanford break room.

Create a Coffee Station

A hot cup of coffee is a break standard. Traditional Orlando office coffee brewers make it easy to brew gourmet coffee for a big office. If you want more variety, try our Oviedo single-cup coffee service. The different pods offer each team member a chance to brew his or her favorite coffee or hot drink. Then the coffee, and even hot tea, are always fresh.

Effective Breaks Need Support and Leading Break Room Services

Taking a coffee break or lunch break is good for performance. It lets your mind recharge, even if it’s short. The best way to promote breaks is to have management set an example and create a great break space. This includes adding well-stocked snacks, drinks, and food from a break room expert.

Gator Refresh is a one-stop-shop for break room services. Our leading vending, micro-market, and office coffee service can transform your break room. That way, it draws employees. Let us make your breaks more effective and boost the bottom line. Call Gator Refresh at 407-538-3586.

Orlando Healthy Vending Machine | Oviedo Better-for-you Snacks | Sanford Wellness

Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Healthy Vending Trends to Try in Your Break Room

Healthy vending machines are must-haves in your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford break room. They benefit both employees and businesses. Healthy snacks support your staff’s health and wellness. Nutritional foods can also boost productivity and employee satisfaction. Thus, work output and retention improve.

Gator Refresh’s snack vending machines make it easy for employees to feel their best. They have 24/7 access to affordable and healthy options.

Want to add healthy snacks to your break room? Here are some tasty trends to try.

Baked Snacks

Employees want to stay healthy. But some also want to satisfy their salt cravings. Therefore, baked snacks are a great option. Most have fewer calories and less saturated fats than traditional choices. Enjoy salty snacks while keeping your waistline trim.

We can stock the Orlando vending machine with baked chips. These come in tons of flavors to meet many tastes. Or, we can add pretzels and popcorn. These are great lunchtime sides!

Protein-Packed Healthy Vending Snacks

Protein helps employees power through their workdays. It also helps them maintain a healthy weight. That’s because protein curbs hunger. Employees will feel full between meals.

Offer protein-rich vending snacks. There are plenty to try! For instance, try cheese sticks or jerky. You can also offer nuts. Almonds and cashews are packed with protein.

Have an Oviedo micro-market? Ask for hard-boiled eggs and Greek yogurt. Feta and hummus are also great options. They’re stuffed with protein! Employees can grab quality on-site foods for lunch. This saves them time from driving to the store. Thus, it improves productivity. Employees will focus on their work, not driving.

Orlando Micro-Market & Vending | Oviedo Healthy Office Pantry | Sanford Break Room Water Filters

All-Natural Vending Snacks

Many employees want to eat all-natural foods, which can promote workplace wellness. That’s because all-natural snacks can improve heart health. Studies also show they can be good for your brain too!

What types of natural snacks work well in the workplace? Dried fruits or nuts are great. You can also get trail mix. These all-natural vending options are sure to please! Have a Sanford office pantry service? Add all-natural snacks to that so employees can enjoy them for free.

Want to help employees stay hydrated? Ask Gator Refresh about our all-natural beverages. We carry bottled water and 100% juices. Or, get canned sparkling drinks.

Need a different solution? No problem! An Orlando water filtration service is a great healthy beverage option. It removes chemicals, so the water tastes fresh. We have countertop and floor-standing systems so our water filters fit break rooms of all sizes. They even have hot and cold spigots. Thus, you can add fresh water to your glass or make some hot tea.

Gator Refresh Is Your One-Stop Shop for Healthy Vending Snacks

In conclusion, healthy vending options can improve your workplace. Employees will eat healthier. Thus, they may take fewer sick days. They’ll also stay focused. Healthy snacks are also a powerful retention tool.

Gator Refresh offers many nutritional items. We have baked and all-natural snacks. We also carry bottled water and juice. Or, get a water filtration system.

Contact us today at 407-538-3586 for more information. Ask us about our vending, micro-market, and office coffee service solutions. We hope to hear from you soon!

Orlando Break Room Upgrades | Oviedo Employee Benefits | Sanford Refresh Office Snacks

4 Easy Ways to Refresh Your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Break Room

Does your Orlando, Oviedo & Sanford break room need a refresh? If so, Gator Refresh can give it a boost. Modern break room solutions create a comfortable and welcoming space. Thus, more employees will use it. They’ll take more mini-breaks, relax, and return to their desks feeling recharged.

Keep reading to learn four ways Gator Refresh can refresh your break room.

1. Upgrade to Healthy Vending

Employees want to feel their best. Promote workplace wellness with healthy snacks. Gator Refresh can add these to your Orlando vending machines. We offer countless choices. For instance, get protein snacks or plant-based goodies. Stay hydrated with vitamin drinks. These help employees feel fuller for longer. Therefore, they won’t overeat at their next meal. Plus, healthy snacks keep employees energized.

Gator Refresh makes healthy habits simple! We can label better-for-you items in your break room so they are easy to identify.

2. Refresh Your Break Room with a Subsidized Micro-Market

Consider a subsidized Oviedo micro-market to refresh your break room and reward employees. These are small, unmanned convenience stores where employees can choose from hundreds of options. They can buy brand-name snacks or get fresh food. Additionally, they can skip checkout lines by using a self-checkout kiosk. Pay with cash, a card, or your mobile wallet.

Subsidized micro-markets allow the employer to cover some or all costs. Employees can enjoy free food or deep discounts. They can save money and stay healthy. It’s a great way to show your appreciation! Or, subsidize your micro-market for special events. Offer employees free food on their birthdays.

3. Upgrade to Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Single-Cup Coffee

Employees LOVE coffee. So, why not make your Sanford office coffee service extra special? Upgrade to a single-cup brewer that makes a cup of coffee by the pod. Thus, the coffee is guaranteed to be fresh. Users can pick their favorite flavors. There’s a brew for everyone! Lastly, single-cup brewers stop coffee waste. Employees make the perfect amount just for them and not more than the office can drink.

Orlando Micro-Market | Oviedo Vending Machines | Sanford Refresh Office Coffee

4. Add the Finishing Touches

Want to boost your break room on a budget? Add artwork! You can buy affordable prints and frames at big-box stores. Choose calming images of the ocean. Or, get artwork featuring soothing colors.

You can also add some greenery, adding live plants to your break room. These help employees feel calm. They also improve indoor air quality. Hang a plant in the window. Or, include some fresh flowers on the countertop. Voila! Employees can enjoy an instantly refreshed break room.

Gator Refresh Will Refresh Your Break Room

An updated break room can improve employee satisfaction. Plus, adding healthy snacks supports employees’ well-being. Gator Refresh makes Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford break rooms better. Ask us about our micro-market, vending, and office coffee services.

Contact us today by calling 407-538-3586 for more information. Enjoy a refreshed break room in no time!

Orlando Coffee Trivia | Oviedo Coffee Brewers | Sanford Hot Beverages

Coffee Trivia for Your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Break Room

International Coffee Day was on October 1st. Continue to celebrate it with your employees by exploring the wonderful world of coffee. We’re here to help with some interesting facts about your favorite morning beverage. Check out our coffee trivia and share it with colleagues in your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford break room.

Can You Answer These Coffee Trivia Questions?

What are the Four Types of Coffee Beans?

There are four main types of coffee beans: Robusta, Arabica, Excelsa, and Liberica. But the ones we brew in pots and single-cup coffee makers are mostly Robusta and Arabica. Arabica beans make a smoother and sweeter coffee with hints of chocolate, caramel, and nuts. On the other hand, Robusta beans give us bold and intense coffee with more caffeine, and it tastes darker and slightly bitter.

Is Coffee Healthy for You?

While coffee beans aren’t usually seen as a healthy snack, coffee itself can have some health perks when enjoyed in moderation. Studies show that having about 2 cups a day might lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. Coffee drinkers, especially women, also seem to have a lower chance of dying from certain diseases. These include coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. In other words, drink up!

Coffee Trivia Stumper: Are Coffee Beans a Fruit or a Legume?

Trick question! Coffee beans aren’t fruits or legumes, as some might think. They are seeds found inside cherries that grow on coffee plants. These cherries need careful processing to extract the seeds, which then get roasted to become the coffee beans we know. Coffee plants thrive in regions known as the “bean belt,” located along the equator.

Orlando Vending Machine | Oviedo Coffee Trivia | Sanford Break Room Services

What Type of Coffee Makes the Best Cold Brew?

Cold brew coffee is becoming more popular, but what makes the best cold brew? Various companies use different coffee bean blends. But, if you grabbed one from your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford micro-market or cold drink vending machine, it’s likely a mix of Arabica and Robusta. Instead of the type of bean, cold brew makers cite growing region, roasting, the grind, and soaking water temperature as vital when making great-tasting cold brew.

What’s the Most Expensive Coffee in the World?

Kopi Luwak holds the title of the world’s most expensive coffee. It’s made from coffee berry seeds that have been eaten, digested, and then excreted by a small cat-sized mammal called a Palm Civet. The production process is complex and time-consuming, contributing to its astonishing price tag of around $600 per pound. While it might not be your everyday Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford office coffee, trying this rare brew can be an unforgettable experience.

Share Your Coffee Trivia With Others

Impress your coworkers during your next break by sharing these fascinating coffee facts. From the different types of beans to the surprising health benefits and the world of cold brews, coffee never ceases to amaze with its richness and complexity. Take a moment to appreciate and savor your next sip of the good stuff.

Looking for Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford vending services like office coffee? Gator Refresh can help. We offer all the latest brands and flavors. We even provide brewers and keep them working with regular maintenance. Contact us at 407-538-3586 to learn more.

Orlando Breakfast Options | Oviedo Office Food | Sanford Vending Service

3 Breakfast Replacements to Try in Your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford Break Room

Mornings can be hectic. Getting to work on time sometimes means you don’t have time for breakfast. Yet, there’s a good reason people say it’s the most important meal of the day. Without that morning meal, it can be hard to be productive and get work done. So, if you missed breakfast this morning, look for one of these options in your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford break room.

1. Protein-Rich Snacks

Chances are your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford vending machine has some healthy snacks high in protein. And when looking for a good breakfast replacement, something that’s high in protein is a great choice. Why? Because protein helps you feel full for a long time. Plus, protein helps keep your blood sugar stable. That means you’ll have the energy you need for your busy workday.

Some good vending products to try include protein-rich granola bars and protein bars. Many vending machines also offer meat snacks such as jerky, which are also high in protein. Yet another option is a fortified drink.

2. Breakfast Foods

Would you prefer a more traditional breakfast? Our Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford micro-market refreshment service solution offers lots of choices. Take a look in the glass front cooler for egg sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, or yogurt. You can also find a variety of cereals and whole fruit in the micro-market.

Orlando Micro-Market Breakfast | Office Coffee Service | Sanford Productivity

To complement your breakfast, visit your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford office coffee service. For many people, a cup of coffee is important for starting the day off right. Serve up a cappuccino from the single-cup coffee service. Or, make a hot cup of tea.

3. Drinkable Breakfast Options

If you’re in a rush, a filling drink can be the perfect, quick breakfast. For example, why not try some milk? Both chocolate and plain milk are breakfast staples. Milk is great for bone health because it has calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. Find dairy milk and plant-based alternatives in the coolers of your micro-market. Or, check your cold drink beverage vending machine.

Another great breakfast drink is fruit juice. Fruit juices provide vitamins and minerals your body needs. Plus, they offer a boost of sugar to get you energized. Pair them with a healthy snack to sustain your energy, such as nuts and trail mix.

Don’t forget to hydrate! Although water isn’t considered a breakfast food, it’s essential for your body. In order to drink enough water, start drinking water in the early morning and drink often throughout the day. Head to your break room to fill your water bottle.

Need better-tasting water? We offer Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford water filtration services. Our water filtration systems filter out anything that makes water taste bad. It’s also great for making your office coffee taste better.

Bring More Breakfast Foods to Your Break Room

Does your Orlando, Oviedo, and Sanford break room need more breakfast options? Having these foods in the break room is important for keeping employees energized and productive. When employees can easily access healthy, filling foods and snacks, they can get work done.

Gator Refresh is here to help stock your break room with a wide variety of breakfast options. Get in touch today at 407-538-3586.

Orange City Break Room Service | Free Cold Drinks | Office Coffee

3 Free Drinks to Gift Your Orange City Employees This Summer

Show your Orange City employees how much you appreciate them with free drinks. Summer is the perfect time to celebrate your staff. The weather is heating up. So can workplace happiness! Complimentary beverages in your break room boost morale. They also promote hydration. Therefore, your team can beat the heat.

Need some ideas? Here are three tasty drinks to gift employees.

1. Office Coffee Bonus

Your company probably already offers free Orange City office coffee. However, you can make this service extra special. Have a single-cup brewer? Order extra pod flavors! Gator Refresh can help you find the perfect coffee products. Ask us about our specialty creamers. For instance, caramel is a sweet summertime treat. Or, try French vanilla. We also have non-dairy options. Thus, every employee can get in on the action!

Don’t forget about Orange City tea drinks. They are the perfect summer sips. Try seasonal varieties. This way, employees can enjoy breezy summer vibes.

2. Order Free Drinks in Bulk

Order cases of free drinks. You can buy from Gator Refresh in bulk! For example, stock up on bottled water. Or get healthy juices. This supports workplace wellness. Want more fizz? Order sodas in bulk.

Bulk drinks are great for Orange City company picnics. Then there are enough beverages for everyone. Or, offer free drinks at corporate meetings. Participants will feel refreshed. Bulk beverages work well as Friday freebies too. They’re a fantastic way to thank your staff. They’ll start their weekend right!

Gator Refresh can deliver drinks right to your door. We’ll drop them off with your coffee order. It’s a convenient way to show employees you care!

Orange City Refreshments | Free Bulk Drinks | Office Water Filters

3. Upgrade Your Water

Give your vending service or micro-market service a boost by adding great-tasting water! Add a Orange City water filtration service to your office. It attaches to your existing water line. The filter removes chemical odors and tastes. Thus, water is more delicious. Employees will keep their cool on sweltering days. They can just refill their water bottles. This also makes your office greener. It does away with single-use plastic bottles.

Gator Refresh offers countertop and floor-standing models. Therefore, we cater to all sized spaces. Our water filters have hot and cold spigots. Add filtered water to tea or coffee. This improves the flavor.

As an added bonus, this service promotes collaboration. Employees can chat while refilling their water bottles. This improves workplace relationships. It also boosts morale.

Keep Them Cool All Summer Long with Free Drinks

Make this summer a season of employee appreciation! Treat your Orange City team to free drinks. They’ll stay refreshed. Employees will also know you care.

Gator Refresh will keep your staff cool all summer long. We offer delicious coffee and tea flavors. We also make ordering bulk drinks easy. Don’t forget to ask us about our water filtration service!

Want to learn more? Call Gator Refresh today at 407-538-3586. We’ll help you reward employees all year long.

Ocoee Beverage Vending | Summer Break Room Refreshments | Iced Coffee

How to Bring Summer to Your Ocoee Break Room

The sun is shining, the temperatures are rising, and summer is right around the corner! There is no better time to upgrade your Ocoee office space — starting with your break room. Bring in some feel-good summer vibes. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. At Gator Refresh, we’ll work with you to create customized refreshment services that fit the needs of your employees and your business.

From micro-market essentials to delicious office coffee, we’ll help you provide an excellent break room experience for your team. So, are you ready for a summer break room boost? Here are a few simple yet effective ways to improve your break room for the season.

Add Cold Brew to Your Ocoee Coffee Service

What’s summer without cold brew to cool you off? Whether it’s a special cold brew tap in your break room or cold brew cans in the micro-market, it’s a perfect hot weather beverage. Rather than regular coffee over ice, cold brew requires a more intentional process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for an extended period. It’s special. And employees will appreciate you going the extra mile with this type of cool caffeinated beverage!

Invest in That Office Ice Maker in Time for Summer

Ocoee Micro-Market | Office Coffee Service | Summer Cold Brew

Summer is a great time to get an ice maker for the office. It’s the perfect way to enhance your beverage offerings, as it will allow employees to opt for iced coffee and iced tea on hot days. They can also easily add ice to their reusable water bottles for an extra cold and refreshing hydration break. Plus, ice machines are more sanitary than ice cube trays and they produce more ice. As you can see, this is a great addition that can enhance employee wellness and satisfaction this summer.

Look for Tasty Summer Beverage Flavors

Ready to take your Ocoee office coffee service to the next level? Ask us about iced tea coffee pods for your single-cup brewer. We also offer a variety of beloved summer drink options through Ocoee vending services, such as lemonade and fruit juices. This is the perfect opportunity to promote healthy drinks. After all, summer is a time when everyone is thinking more about their overall health and fitness.

Upgrade Your Ocoee Break Room This Summer!

Give employees the break room essentials they’ll love this season. Contact Gator Refresh at 407-538-3586 or info@gatorvending.com for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Ocala Healthy Vending | Office Coffee & Beverages | Reduce Work Stress

5 Tips To Help Ocala Employees Reduce Work Stress

Work is a part of our everyday lives, so it’s essential to cultivate a positive workplace environment for Ocala employees. After all, work stress is not only bad for employees, but it can also have a negative impact on your business. When employees don’t feel their best mentally or physically, they won’t perform their best. In fact, it may poorly impact corporate morale and employee retention rates. So, give them an encouraging and healthy office space for breaks each day.

Not sure where to start? Not to worry! Gator Refresh is here to help. We offer tools that support corporate wellness through a variety of Ocala break room solutions. We’ve got you covered from vending machines to a water filtration system and an excellent office coffee service.

Are you ready to help employees feel great and perform even better? Use these tips to help them deal with workplace stress.

Take a Break in the Office Break Room

When you’re feeling overwhelmed with the tasks at hand, take a brief time-out. And remember to encourage your employees to do the same. This will help lower cortisol, the stress hormone in your body. Why not try a bit of office yoga or a five-minute meditation? Invite a local yoga instructor to come to the office to host a group class in the break room. This will give you and your employees a sense of calm despite the business of the week. As a result, you’ll be sharper and more focused when you return to your desk.

Don’t Skip Meals When Feeling Work Stress

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is not only good for your physical health, but it’s also essential to mental health. Skipping meals can lead to low blood sugar, which may leave you feeling down. Support employees’ well-being by upgrading your office break room with an Ocala micro-market. Ensure the micro-market has fresh food options packed with nutrients and protein to keep you and your employees fueled. You’ll also want healthful, energy-boosting snacks readily available for short breaks between tasks. This will encourage everyone at the office to eat well-balanced meals that make them feel good from the inside out.

Ocala Break Room | Snacks & Fresh Food | Decrease Work Stress

Gain Some Helpful Perspective

You cannot control everything, and that’s okay. It’s time to accept that not everything will always go the way you want. Instead, ask yourself, “are things really that bad? What can I learn from this? How can this help me improve?” Turning a mistake or a bad day into a learning experience can lead to a more optimistic outlook. In the office, it can foster a kinder, more growth-focused mentality. So, be gentle with your team and encourage staff to look at errors as opportunities for growth rather than feeling ashamed of mistakes.

Stress Less About Work with Daily Exercise

Moving your body does wonders for stress. It releases endorphins that make you feel better, support your bodily functions, and give you energy. While it can be a challenge to move regularly when you work at a desk, encourage employees to take walking breaks. You might even start a lunch walking group so employees have the option to exercise and chat with their peers.

Consider Non-Caffeinated Beverages

Drinking too much caffeine can lead to added stress and anxiety. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that there are non-caffeinated options in your office break room. For example, you might ask for flavored water and natural fruit juice beverages to be added to your Ocala vending machine. Don’t forget about hot options too. Our Ocala office coffee service offers caffeine-free hot chocolate and lots of herbal teas. When you work with us, we’ll provide a wide selection of beverage options.

Support your Ocala employee with a high-quality break room!

Give employees the break room services they need to feel their best and let us help you do it! Contact Gator Refresh at 407-538-3586 or info@gatorrefresh.com for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!