Orlando Micro-Market | Company Culture | Break Room Services

Boost Employee Satisfaction with an Orlando Micro-Market Solution

Are you looking for an original way to help your staff feel valued? Your employees work hard. So, you want to show you appreciate them! One way to show your staff you care is with a micro-market. This simple addition can boost morale and employee satisfaction in a big way.

So, what is a micro-market and why should you add one to your office? Keep reading to learn all about them.

What is a Micro-Market?

A micro-market is like having a convenience store in your building. Imagine an open layout featuring attractive glass-front coolers and shelves. It sounds nice, right? Set up like an onsite cafe, many companies put their micro-market in the break room or lunch room. Orlando micro-markets offer many products. You can find snacks, refreshing beverages, and even lunch items.

Looking for a winning combo? Pair your micro-market with an Orlando office coffee service. Your team will love having a variety of refreshments and premium coffee in the break room!

Features that Make Micro-Markets Exceptional

What makes micro-markets special?

So much! They are one of the best changes you can make to your Orlando office. One reason is that micro-markets are self-service. Patrons check out using state-of-the-art kiosks. Pay using cash, credit card, or your mobile wallet.

Plus, Gator Refresh’s micro-markets are monitored remotely. That means we know when to restock meals, snacks, and beverages without you having to lift a finger. Now that’s convenient! Another tech-savvy feature is security cameras. This makes shopping a secure experience.

Finally, your micro-market can be personalized with your company branding. It’s like having a company store for your staff to enjoy.

Benefits of a Micro-Market for Employees

Custom Orlando Micro-Markets | Fresh Food | Snacks

Micro-markets bring many benefits to your Orlando team. One of those perks is that the store is always open. Early meeting? Your staff can grab some coffee or food to wake up.

Another benefit is simply convenience. Your team is busy! They don’t always have time to drive somewhere to buy lunch or a snack. The micro-market makes refreshments easy to grab and go. Plus, having a store in the building can save employees money. With the gas prices as high as they are, the less driving, the better!

In addition, Gator Refresh micro-markets offer open-front glass coolers. This makes it easy for employees to peruse products before they buy. Happy shopping!

Benefits of a Micro-Market for Businesses

Did you know that adding a micro-market to your break room can benefit your Orlando company? That’s right! First off, the space can bring your team together. It’s the perfect place for staff to enjoy lunch and unwind. Indeed, this can promote bonding and team-building.

Plus, a micro-market can boost productivity. Grabbing refreshments within the building can save a lot of time. That way, your staff can focus on truly relaxing instead of stressing about rushing back to work on time. Score!

Finally, a micro-market can make you competitive. It will really set your company apart from other employers in the Orlando area. Attract new talent and keep morale up with a micro-market!

Are you ready to build your custom micro-market? Visit Gator Refresh or call us today at 407-538-3586. We can’t wait to work with you!

Orlando Water Cooler Hydration | Office Pantry | Health and Wellness

3 Ways to Improve Orlando Employee Hydration

Keeping your Orlando employees properly hydrated makes them happy and healthy. In fact, hydration is an essential part of employee wellness. Dehydrated employees can experience headaches and irritability. Furthermore, dehydration will also affect their work performance.

To keep your team on track, it’s important to keep them hydrated. Here are three ways an Orlando water service improves employee hydration.

Canned/Bottled Water

Canned and bottled water makes it easy to stay hydrated. They can be purchased from an Orlando beverage vending machine. If an employee is thirsty, they can grab bottled water in the break room.

To spice things up, offer a variety of flavored waters in your break room. For example, kiwi and strawberry are refreshing flavors. Moreover, flavored water is a healthier alternative to soda!

Sparkling Water

Who doesn’t love bubbles? Sparkling water is a yummy drink that you can keep in your Orlando micro-market. There are also tons of different options to choose from! This ensures every employee will find a beverage they love.

To promote health and wellness, offer no-sugar drinks in your micro-market. Healthy waters that are loaded with vitamins also make a great choice. Or how about energy drinks? These can increase productivity while keeping your crew hydrated.

Are you having trouble choosing the best products for your Orlando break room? Gator Refresh is happy to help! We’ll help you find the best beverages for your staff.

Employee Productivity | Orlando Water | Hydration

Filtered Water

Do you want a greener break room? Then a filtered water service could be right for you! This bottomless option keeps your team hydrated all day long. They can simply fill up their water bottles with delicious, pure water. These Orlando eco-friendly products reduce waste. Additionally, there’s always enough water to go around. Best of all, filtered water will enhance your office coffee. Fresh water makes everything taste better!

Give your employees branded water bottles to encourage them to stay hydrated. Or, they can create their own customized glass or mug. This will make your team feel appreciated. As a result, employee satisfaction will skyrocket!

Keep Your Crew Hydrated with an Orlando Water Service

It’s astonishing that something as simple as water can greatly impact your office. Hydrated employees are more productive and always feel great. This benefits both your team and your business!

If you want to improve your crew’s hydration, contact Gator Refresh today. We’ll help you find the right products for your needs.

To get started, call us today at 407-538-3586. We look forward to chatting with you soon!

Orlando Online Ordering | Break Room Service | Office Pantry Snacks

Gator Refresh’s Online Ordering Capabilities Deliver Quality Break Room Solutions to Orlando Businesses

It’s no surprise that clients enjoy our Orlando break room solutions. That’s because we go the extra mile to enhance our refreshment services. So, we’re excited to announce that our customers can now order our Orlando office coffee and office pantry products online. That’s right! We’ve partnered with Supply Wizards to create an online ordering platform so our clients can order what they need with the click of a button. We know this will make our clients’ jobs easier when they need to restock the break room.

Benefits of our online ordering platform

There are quite a few benefits you can expect with our new online ordering platform. In fact, you don’t have to call or email us anymore to restock your break room. Running low on office coffee or pantry supplies? You can order everything you need online. Gator Refresh will deliver it right to your break room! As a result, you’ll always have a fully-stocked Orlando office coffee station and pantry!

Additionally, you’ll be able to discover new products for your office break room. Try different types of coffees or a new snack you haven’t tried before. With a click of a button, it’s that easy to get new products into the office.

Oh yes, and did we mention that we’ll offer you discounts and specials on certain products? In short, our online ordering platform can save you money. Talk about a budget-friendly solution!

Company Kitchen | Online Ordering | Orlando Office Coffee

Orlando office coffee service perks

An Orlando office coffee service brings your team together. In fact, coffee creates a stronger workplace culture that can increase employee satisfaction.  Coffee also promotes productivity. Employees will conquer their to-do lists. What amazing benefits!

Whether you’re looking for bean-to-cup, single-cup, or traditional office coffee solutions, we’ve got something for you. Having trouble picking the perfect products? Gator Refresh can help! Our team will help you find the coffee supplies you need. If you’re ready to restock the break room, simply log in to the online ordering platform and place your order.

Order office pantry service products through our online ordering platform

Complimentary Orlando refreshments are a great employee perk. Your team will love the free food, snacks, and beverages. Increase employee retention and recruit top talent with an office pantry service. After all,  happy employees tend to stick around!

Do you need to restock your Orlando office pantry? Log into our online ordering page and we’ll deliver everything you need to keep your Orlando office pantry full.

Online ordering made easy

Our partnership with Supply Wizards makes ordering everything you need for your coffee station and office pantry easy and hassle-free.  Bring back a better break in your well stocked Orlando break room!

To learn more, contact Gator Refresh today. Call 407-538-3586 or email info@gatorvending.com. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Productivity | Office Coffee Breaks | Orlando Employee Benefits

The Best Time for Orlando Work Breaks to Promote Productivity

Your work calendar can get packed up pretty quickly. Tight deadlines can make it tough to take breaks. But did you know that taking regular timeouts can make you more productive?

As a matter of fact, small breaks throughout the day increase your focus levels. Furthermore, breaks will improve your mood. These are fantastic reasons to take a stroll to your Orlando break room!

But what are the best times to take your breaks? The answers may surprise you.

Mid-Morning Breaks

If you’re feeling groggy at 10 a.m., head to your Orlando office coffee station! Mid-morning breaks will help you focus. Additionally, you can jumpstart your energy with delicious coffee! The caffeine in coffees and teas will immediately perk you up.

While you’re in the break room, don’t forget to grab a snack! A healthy snack from the Orlando vending machines will keep you fueled. For instance, a nutritious protein bar will make you feel great all morning long.

Lunchtime Timeouts

Lunchtime is the perfect opportunity to relax and recharge. Instead of running to a restaurant, stop by your Orlando office micro-market. You can get a tasty meal that’s also nutritious. For example, eat a fresh salad or wrap. Healthy lunches will make you feel fabulous! As a result, you’ll feel great all day long.

You can even customize the products you want in your micro-market to ensure it fits your needs. Gator Refresh is happy to help! Our friendly experts will help you find the perfect products. Whether you need food, beverages or healthy options, we’ve got you covered!

Orlando Micro-Market Breaks | Vending Machines | Break Rooms

Take Micro-Breaks Every Hour

To feel your best, it’s important to move your body. In fact, you should take a micro-break every hour. Get up, stretch, and walk to the break room. You can refill your water bottle or get a snack. Furthermore, you can also enjoy a chat with a coworker.

Taking a quick break will promote productivity. It will also boost your health!

Late-Afternoon Getaways

When 3 p.m. rolls around, it’s time to take a break! This helps you power through the rest of the day. Take a walk around the office. Go outside for some fresh air. Or enjoy a treat from your Orlando snack vending machine.

Quality Break Room Solutions Your Staff Will Love

Taking breaks keeps your team on track. Partner with a refreshment service provider to keep your Orlando break room stocked with plenty of snack and drink options. This is a great employee benefit! Moreover, it will encourage your staff to take more breaks.

Gator Refresh will help you select amazing products for your employees. From office coffee services to healthy meals, we have it all!

To learn more, call us today at 407-538-3586. We’ll help you design a break room your employees are guaranteed to love!

Healthy Orlando Micro-Market | Employee Benefits | Productivity

Healthy Refreshment Solutions for Your Orlando Business

More and more people are focusing on their health. That means, in your Orlando business, there are more employees seeking healthy solutions. What can you do to support them? Partner with the right break room solutions provider. For instance, Gator Refresh offers a variety of healthy refreshment solutions. From vending to office pantry, there are many ways to deliver the healthy options your employees want. It all starts with the service in your Orlando break room. Read on to see how we can support workplace health and wellness.

Grab a healthy meal in the micro-market

Orlando micro-markets are a great place to grab lunch or any meal. Why? Because a micro-market includes a fresh food cooler. Inside you will find healthy meals and snacks. Some examples are fresh salads and vegetable snack trays, as well as meat and cheese snacks. Employees can read ingredients and nutrition labels. As a result, each employee can make an informed decision based on his or her health goals. There are also many special diet products in a micro-market, such as gluten-free, vegetarian, and keto-friendly items.

Snack healthy at the office pantry

Offering free snacks to employees is a great way to promote health. Gator Refresh offers Orlando office pantry service perfect for those going healthy. We can bring in fruits, veggie snacks, nuts, granola, and more. These types of grab-and-go healthy options will aid employees to stay energized throughout the day. We handle all the stocking for your Orlando break room. Then we provide a simple monthly invoice. It’s that easy.

Office pantry has an additional benefit as well. Enjoying free, healthy snacks in the break room makes employees feel appreciated. They know your company cares about them and their health goals. Employees that feel appreciated perform better at work.

Drink a healthy beverage in the break room

Orlando Healthy Vending | Office Snacks | Wellness

Quality office coffee is a great way to support health. Many studies suggest there are benefits to drinking coffee. For example, WebMD reports that coffee drinkers have fewer cases of certain cancers and heart problems. Not a fan of coffee? Try tea. According to Healthline, green tea is rich in polyphenols and catechin. Polyphenols can help fight cancer and catechin is an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage. Talk about a great way to start your morning!

Not everyone wants hot beverages during the day. That’s why we have cold beverage Orlando vending machines too. Grab a sugar-free energy drink or sparkling water. All drinks are kept refreshingly cold. Plus, vending machines accept all forms of payment now. Cash, credit, mobile wallet — it is all accepted. That makes it easy and secure to buy your favorite healthy cold beverage.

Boost productivity and morale

There are many benefits to supporting employee health goals. One example is that healthy employees take less time off for illness. Plus, eating healthy gives you more sustainable energy throughout the day. The result is excellent work productivity. What could be better for the bottom line and employee happiness? It’s a win-win.

Is your Orlando company ready to go healthy? Contact Gator Refresh to get started. For information about our office coffee, micro-market, office pantry, or vending services, give us a call at 407-538-3586 or email info@gatorvending.com. We can’t wait to work with you!

Break Room Vending Service Orlando | Refreshment Services | Corporate Wellness

Build An Orlando Break Room Service That Benefits Your Business

There are several benefits of having a quality break room service. For example, it creates a place for your staff to rest and recharge in. Plus, it’s a great way to encourage employee wellness by stocking better-for-you refreshments. In fact, many businesses have seen a positive impact by doing so!

So, how can you create a break room that works for your company? We can help! Together, we’ll build your ideal Orlando refreshment service. If you want to learn more, keep reading below!

1. Micro-Markets Make Break Time More Convenient!

Take break time to the next level with an Orlando micro-market! Your team can choose from various snacks, drinks, food, and more throughout the day. Plus, it can help strengthen your corporate wellness program. For example, you can stock healthy salads and wraps for everyone to enjoy. Therefore, everyone can feel their best after eating a delicious and nutritious meal right from the break room!

So, what’s the benefit of keeping better-for-you products in the office? Ultimately, healthy employees feel better, use fewer sick days, and are more productive. This is a win for your company and associates. Score!

2. The Ultimate Break Room Service? Free Coffee, Of Course!

Office Coffee Service Orlando | Employee Satisfaction | Break Room Workplace Culture

What’s a better employee perk than free coffee? Not much! What’s more, coffee will keep your team fueled and focused all day long. Better yet, they’ll feel appreciated! So, increase your workplace benefits with free coffee and tea in the break room. Trust us, everyone will love you for it! So, are you ready to add an Orlando office coffee service to your break room lineup? If so, we can help!

3. Upgrade your Coffee Service Equipment

Treat your team to café-quality beverages with an Orlando bean-to-cup brewer! By doing so, your employees can enjoy specialty drinks in a matter of minutes. Even better, they won’t have to leave the office! For instance, your employees can enjoy lattes, cappuccinos, and more right in the break room. Talk about a major employee perk!

A premium Orlando single-cup coffee service gives your staff something to look forward to all day long. They’ll love going to the break room for gourmet drinks and having more time to connect. Plus, your employee satisfaction and retention rates will soar!

Upgrade your Orlando Break Room Services with Gator Refresh!

Do you want to encourage wellness and create an interactive social workplace? You’ve come to the right place! As industry experts, we will craft your ideal refreshment service so it works for your business.

To learn more, visit Gator Refresh or call us today at 407-538-3586. We can’t wait to hear from you!